Exactly. I was asked by my players at campaign start what the rules were for food, encumbrance, etc. I basically said that as long as nothing was going on that was out of whack with reality, we’re not bothering with any of that. The only exception would be to avoid being game-breaking. Like traversing a desert on foot, I’d shift gears to track food and water. Or if they find a dragon’s treasure horde, we’re absolutely tracking encumbrance.
Exactly. I was asked by my players at campaign start what the rules were for food, encumbrance, etc. I basically said that as long as nothing was going on that was out of whack with reality, we’re not bothering with any of that. The only exception would be to avoid being game-breaking. Like traversing a desert on foot, I’d shift gears to track food and water. Or if they find a dragon’s treasure horde, we’re absolutely tracking encumbrance.
MFW one of my players starts taking boards and wheel parts out of their bag of holding…
That’s a smart player. You wouldn’t believe what a parking space costs in Waterdeep.