I’ll just paint in four happy little lights
The Cardassian:
Patrick Stewart with hair is somehow unnerving.
I know he had hair at one point in his life, but it just looks wrong on him.
He has only a happy little bush on his head.
Whoopsie daisy!
At this point Miles welcomes suffering, so wouldn’t he say YEEEEEESSSS!
? :-P
Went to the trouble of making most of the paint black and white.
Space is black and stars are white so… yeah that tracks:-)
“Let’s add some more happy stars over here. Whoops! I guess that will be a nebula.”
Every little star needs a friend.
With enough hair, everything is better.
- Bob Ross, probably.
Is that the wig that Gene Roddenberry hated?
Blue Brixx made a (non-)Lego set of the ready room painting!
How do you clean a palette after the painting is over? Serious question. Or do you just throw them away? I guess once the paints have dried, it’s game over anyway.
Dunk it in paint thinner I guess.
They’re not mistakes, they’re happy accidents.
Apart from Tuvix