Hold up… Bigfoot’s an Oregonian, damn it! Stop stealing our cryptids, California!
The swallow may fly south with the sun or the house martin or the plover may seek warmer climes in winter, yet these are not strangers to our land
Are you suggesting that Bigfoots migrate?
Not at all. They could just take the bus down to Sausalito once in a while.
I was actually in both the Bay Area and Portland last month and have to agree. Let Oregon have this one. Even the people in Portland had bigfoot energy. Big scruffy men with tons of facial hair, flannel, and those longshoreman beanies. And I actually picked up a Sasquatch field guide someplace that was the most amazingly detailed document on a cryptid I’d ever seen.
Pfft. Everyone knows Bigfoot’s a Washingtonian.
This is exactly what people need. An official cryptid.
Sensible spending
Chupacabra getting left out again.
Are you suggesting that Bigfoot should eat the homeless?
Maybe they’re suggesting that Bigfoot is homeless, which is no way to treat the state cryptid.