Spinal Meningitis - Ween
That should clear the place out.
Right now, as someone not from the US, star spangled banned would ruin the evening more than anything else I could think of. Everyone can recognize it, arguments would follow.
Had a woman invite me out to karaoke, but I don’t think we’re compatible long term so I’m taking notes from this thread.
I did this with “Everybody Hurts”. Everybody went outside.
“what what in the butt” with the dance, no censorship to save them when it’s live.
I looked for this to upvote it, but y’all ain’t listed it yet so here goes:
The Drugs Don’t Work by The Verve
In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida. Long song with not a lot of singing.
A Passion Play.
The entire thing. Including the Hare Who Lost His Spectacles.
(Side note: I love this album, but as a karaoke performance I can’t imagine it’d go down well)
Gummi bears theme song
Could also do The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh theme, another actually good song that reverts the crowd to sleepy five-year-olds
I like the cut of your jib
I don’t know how you got to that anwer, this would go hard as balls
I’m killing the “hyped up” vibes and getting everyone to cozy comfyville
“Peace and Love (Blind Man’s Penis)” by John Trubee
Instrumental version of Tequila
In the arms of an angel…
Best answer, IMO. Whole bar in tears.
What’s New Pussycat, 21 times in a row.
“Hey hey wait. Let’s throw in one It’s Not Unusual”
The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald by Gordon Lightfoot. A jaunty little sea shanty about a ship sinking in a storm and killing everyone on board.
It’s a banger though, as long as everyone in the bar is over 35.
I sang that two nights ago, at our local open mic. Went over very well, but then again the average age was probably over 70.
Wouldn’t work as I’d be singing along
This is definitely the wrong answer.