“sure is”
My go to is “Ah yeah”, which could mean I’ve not considered it, but also dodges me venting the stress I’m feeling. It’s a win-win.
What do I do if these are my go-to’s?!
“it is what it is”
I’m still alive.
“Not too bad” so as to make them think not bad at all when really, it’s bad, but could be worse.
“It’s going” for me isn’t a positive response, but I’d say it’s more neutral than anything. I wonder if age and/or region factor in. If my answer is something like “well, I’m still alive” that definitely means nothing good is going on (or, perhaps more accurately, I can’t see the good because of all the bad at that particular moment).
Yeah for me it’s the same as saying ‘same old same old’ or ‘more of the same’ or ‘same shit different shovel’
Why is this segregated?
Reading this after the thread from that german kid wondering why Americans keep using racial qualifiers like white, black, etc really brings the point home.
“still breathing”
Personal favorite
“I will overcome.”
“I keep dragging myself along.”
“Somehow, I remain alive.”
“I will perish, but not like this, hopefully, not today.”
“Everything is shit and I think we should all get a grenade and end it all.”
… and other reasons why you don’t ask a Lithuanian how’s it going for them.
I’ve taken to saying ‘adequately, thanks’.
Same as ever.
“Oh you know. How are you?”
“I’m livin’ the dream (and would like to wake up)” is a personal favorite of mine.
“well, someone’s dream” is something I like to tack on the end haha
“Another day in paradise.”
“Nightmares are dreams too”
“Somehow I’ve managed to remain alive.”
My favourite is similar “I continue to live”
Alternatively: “Despite my best efforts, I remain alive.”
the horrors persist, yet so do i
The horrors persist, so must I