Party assigned at birth (PAAB) based on family, ethnicity, economic background, and other social factors present when the child is born. PAAB designation must be present on ID, birth certificate, and citizenship at all times. Any attempt to hide or misrepresent PAAB will be considered felony fraud pending investigations into any extremist relations contributing to the offense. PAAB may only be changed by government application via relocation and re-education facilities. Following the abolition of the US voting system, government representatives will be automatically chosen based on majority PAAB demographic.
If you want to go full dystopian…
Party assigned at birth (PAAB) based on family, ethnicity, economic background, and other social factors present when the child is born. PAAB designation must be present on ID, birth certificate, and citizenship at all times. Any attempt to hide or misrepresent PAAB will be considered felony fraud pending investigations into any extremist relations contributing to the offense. PAAB may only be changed by government application via relocation and re-education facilities. Following the abolition of the US voting system, government representatives will be automatically chosen based on majority PAAB demographic.