I think if we get through this, we’ll look back at this in horror… for about 60 years, and then we’ll have a crop of neo-trumpists because no one ever seems to learn anything.
Trump is doing this to distract media attention from the biggest fuck-up of his administration so far, and there’s been a lot.
My first thought too. The timing is just too perfect.
My second thought? This means that Trump’s team probably has executive orders just waiting in the wings, since they know how this all works. The only thing needed to supplant even awful news cycles are even worse news cycles.
My third thought? This means every time Team Trump royally messes up something, our only reward will be Team Trump doing something even worse, because it’s the only move they have, ever.
Until we’re all dead by their or our own hands, presumably.
Flood the zone with shit.
the biggest fuck-up of his administration so far
The biggest fuck-up of his administration this week.
His administration is a scandal factory.
They will fuck up and make a mess, and their solution is to make a bigger mess to distract from the one they just made.
What about the bigger mess? Well I guess they’ll just have to make an even bigger mess to cover that one up.
Rinse and repeat.Thus solving the problem once and for all!
So, what do you think, the biggest mess will be end of the Line? I for myself am betting on declaring war onto another Country. Or nuclear missiles. Whatever, we are fucked 🤷♂️
At this point I’m not sure that there is an end of the line.
This has been the case since he took office in 2017, we’re 8 years in now and every week he outdoes himself.
He kept creating scandal after scandal for 4 years when he wasn’t in office, and still got reelected.
This isn’t stopping until he’s room temperature. Hopefully the fact that he refuses to exercise, has an excess of presenting dementia symptoms, Eats McDonald’s for every meal, and has a stimulant addiction, catches up to him sooner rather than later.
It seems like the biggest military intelligence fuck up in recent memory. Not just his administration.
Oh. Ok. I’ll sit down then. Not like he’d actually do anything this time.
Yes perhaps we should first require military communications required everyone involved be identified and verified, hmm?
“Papers, please!”
Welcome to the United States of Arstotzka
Cause no trouble.
Words you can hear. “Παπερσ”
And when that horn blows and you have to take out your rifle and blast’em.
Call your local & state officals about this. The federal government does not run elections. It’s the state and local officals that do even for federal office. They are the ones who chose to follow or not follow a blatantly illegal order
Trump is threatening to pull unrelated federal funding if they don’t, but he’s been pulling funding for many states anyways for zero reason. Make sure your local & state officals know you’ll have their back if they don’t bow down
The US system is so weird, federal elections are handled at a lower level of power and differently depending on which state you live in, it makes no sense. You guys need an independent body handling federal elections so everyone’s vote is handled the same way no matter where they live… And paper ballots, fucking hell you guys need to go back to paper ballots.
then comes proof of ethnicity or something
Land ownership
Shall we sow stars on our clothes as well?
Only if you want them to sprout.
Pink triangles for the queer folk
But what about that president from Kenya?
If this isn’t your line for outright riots America then I struggle to think of what is.
Tik tok ban
Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector.
The Constitution leaves the matter of election of electors to the states.
The voter stealer wants fix elections to prevent further vote thefts. Irony.
I feel the hypocrisy is over their heads. But it is on brand with same party. Read about Abbott
Gonna be proof of Republican Party soon
What are elections for if not selecting your favorite republican ^/s^
If you want to go full dystopian…
Party assigned at birth (PAAB) based on family, ethnicity, economic background, and other social factors present when the child is born. PAAB designation must be present on ID, birth certificate, and citizenship at all times. Any attempt to hide or misrepresent PAAB will be considered felony fraud pending investigations into any extremist relations contributing to the offense. PAAB may only be changed by government application via relocation and re-education facilities. Following the abolition of the US voting system, government representatives will be automatically chosen based on majority PAAB demographic.
Hear we go guys. Hold the line!
Huh? We are presented with a choice between doing something and the end of democracy. Way I see it, its the system’s fault for putting bad choices in front of me, and the choices are, uh… equivalent, according to my internet sources. Maybe I’ll sit it out again.
/s for the gifted triggered ones
Here we go. I guess congress Rs will bend, while the Ds just hold signs again. Thanks america, I hope this is what you wanted. Now bend over and spread those tight cheeks.
This isn’t for control of the presidency but Congress. Unless Congress goes along and rejects the electorates sent by the states, the electoral college works the same. It sets us up for another constitutional crisis where the president gets to say certain Congress people are illegitimate.
So? The idea itself is not inherently bad. If I want to vote in Germany I go to the local polling station, show my ID (proof if citizenship) and hand over my voting documents (so I can only vote once, also the volunteers will mark me on a list) and I vote. And no, I don’t have to register to vote.
Your problem is that your common way of identifying is your damn drivers license and not an ID card like in nearly every other country.
Not defending this big, orange, walking, talking and shaking with his little hands, asshole. Just saying, not all of your problems are caused by him. Many of them are inherent to your political system.
Sure, without any context or respect to history this will be just fine. Lol
Not to long ago we killed millions and wanted world domination. We changed our laws so this does not happen again Because law can be changed
A social security card is practically a national id card but without your picture. I’m a little surprised we’ve gone so long without one.
A social security number/card is not exclusive to citizens. Green card/permanent residents, for example, usually get them - particularly, if planning to/already working.
Any kind of national/citizen id would need a whole new process and require it be provided to 100% of existing citizens. Time-consuming and certainly a cost associated with the process.
It’s one of those “in theory” easy things, but a lot more difficult in practice, I imagine.
Just start now to give out an idea to anybody that reaches voting age. Don’t bother about the older ones.
It will take time, but it does not overload your system