This is mask-off fascism, which should horrify every US citizen, because it means they think they have already won.
Ahhhh freedom (for the rich and powerful)
Can we stop treating the “national security” and “endangering our troops” takes as if they make sense? Bombing brown people isn’t national security.
They aren’t trying the win the minds of people who already agree with them.
There are different words and different views of morality and liberty to different groups. This is speaking to the common sense of the right voters in their own language and values. Loyalty, pride in country over dictators, armed service as personal sacrifice for the greater population.
Reds and blues actually agree on almost everything they just explain it completely differently and fight while agreeing. The politicians however are like cartoons of the farthest views to cover for lobbyists running our government since like 1980.
Adding to what the other guy said, trying to get Republicans to convert to your side through FACTS and LOGIC is a fool’s errand. Always has been, always will be. This is why the Democrats keep losing; they focus too much on the enemy and not nearly enough on their own base (which, I should say, already outnumbers the enemy massively; they frankly don’t need anybody else).
not nearly enough on their own base
This is why people don’t vote. They believe their vote doesn’t count and I’ve yet to see Democrats hop on that wagon and ride it to town. Like, do it while it’s still true, fools!
At the same time using such framing reinforces the very foundations of Fascism in their minds such as the Racism (bombing brown people is fine), Nationalism, Militarism, “Might is right” and so on.
I’ve lived in a couple of countries, including the UK which also displays a similar mindset to the US, and my conclusion when I saw Brexit up close over there is that the line from the constant cultivation of Nationalism and Delusions of Grandeur amongst the population by pretty much the whole of the Mainstream Media, to Brexit, is pretty direct - people were both Racist against other Europeans and believed Britain would get whatever it wanted from the EU when it left it (hence favored Leave) exactly because during their whole lives they were constantly fed by both politicians and the press a view of Great Britain where the “great” wasn’t just a reference to the physical size of their main island.
To me it seems the US suffers from this problem to a larger extent than Britain (for example, Brits aren’t made to, in school as kids, constantly repeat the pledge of allegiance), so keeping on reinforcing this, especially in the minds of far right muppets, isn’t going to help.
Besides, a lot of the Trump vote seems to have come from people being crushed by the system in the US who were swindled with the far-right siren-song of “blame foreigners”, so maybe Democrat figures should be focusing on being “the Party that cares” rather than just carry on playing the strings of Militarism and Nationalism alongside the other guys: being attractive to far-right muppets (i.e. a slightly less Fascist party with some make-believe identitarian bullshit that’s still racist as shit - hence perfectly happy with massacring brown people - just with different “worthy identities”) isn’t exactly delivering a Democrat party that’s worth having and what would be real worth it was a party that tries to improve the lives of the many thus attracting voters from amongst the disenfranchised that Trump swindled and is currently busy betraying, and that path doesn’t need to blow the far-right dog whistles of Nationalism and Militarism.
This type of “By you’re own logic” framing doesn’t actually get results. All it does is reinforce a militarist viewpoint as the natural default for Democrats, as well as Republicans.
No it literally works. It’s been working for thousands of years.
What do you think the Bible is?
Sorry, I don’t quite understand what you mean. What does the bible have to do with it?
National insecurity
I agree with you 100%. However, they could have been talking about anything else, hence the national security tag. In this case it just happened to be bombing brown people.
Whilst I agree that in this particular case there wasn’t much of a threat to troops (even if the Houthis knew beforehand I highly doubt they have any capabilities to take down US jets), the main national security issue is what this means, that high ranking officials are exchanging top secret information on insecure chanels. If a foreign adversary were to hack their phones, or if like this case, someone who shouldn’t have been added was added and the info was leaked, this could lead to much more sensitive and dangerous information getting to the wrong hands.
They do have the capability to take down some jets I read somewhere.
Blame paddle-holding impotent Democrats unwilling to be aggressive and limp-dick Republicans scared of MAGA base. The government is full of dipshits scared of losing power
cowards, the entire lot. and the MAGA base is cowards, too, mark my words
the dems are not cowards. they’re complicit.
i guess this all comes down to what cowardice is, because i would argue the cowardice is the root of the complicity. they’d rather go along with things than risk the comforts they’ve gained. they refuse to standup and do what is right because that would be scary. better to maintain the status quo, even as it collapses into a new, worse, status quo, than to risk losing some luxuries to ensure that their constituents, us, get the best possible outcome in this situation
The question is: do they even want to do the right thing? Look at Fetterman, for example. I don’t think he’s a coward. I think he’s just wrong.
“ohhhh we can’t do anything we’re out of majority right now that’s why we’ve done nothing of substance since citizens united passed and made us directly accountable to billionaires”
Replace Democrats with Americans. You have reached the point where doing nothing against it is a form of approval for it.
This is true. They could be the opposition, together, and they choose not to be.
I wish I was baroque in mind instead of baroque in my wallet 😢
I like turtles.
Blame […] Democrats
That’s all you people ever say.
Removed by mod
Democrats are now MAGA? Hahahaha your bullshit isn’t even making sense.
I don’t know what you are trying to say with your nonsense comments. Learn some reading comprehension and see that i said both are useless dumb fucks just like you
Learn some reading comprehension
Every accusation is a confession
You are correct as that I can’t read at an adult level due to my brain damage, but don’t try to deflect that you are just as much as a useless dumb fuck as well.
just to be clear, “school newspaper” for these broken clock brains applies to middle and high school classes on journalism where they publish their efforts
I appreciate you so much for actually linking actionable steps
Americans, put that second amendment to good use.
Going to the gulags, but in different words.
“Put our troops in danger” while they bomb the shit out of Yemen.
Bombing an entire apartment building full of civilians to get one guy and his girlfriend. Real heroic shit.
The IDF special.
Yep exactly. The US attacks on Yemen are just a continuation of a long American tradition of bombing the shit out of “lesser” nations.
The US has always been doing war crimes in the middle east. It’s just another tally mark on the wall.
Did they post a Musk meme on reddit?
American flag emoji…Freedom…etc.
And if it took you this long to understand this, you’re part of the problem.
I agree. I also think it’s better late than never. There are always going to be lots of naive people, it’s natural. People tend to think things cannot go so wrong, it won’t happen here, it won’t happen to them… it keeps them functioning. How many of the people seeing the real problems are depressed or have other mental issues? We probably need much more evolution as a species.
I’m assuming you mean “evolution” in the colloquial sense, not the biological one.
Not a Democracy
Crazy how anyone is surprised by this. Republicans have always been authoritarian traitors.
Yeah, that’s the problem with Republicans, they’re not loyal enough to the glorious United States Empire
History loves a rhyme. Though this one’s got simple whitey meter to it, taken right from their playbook. Just crazy that no one saw it coming, right? Wow.
History loves a rhyme:
Unfortunately in this time, If you’re rich, it ain’t a crime, Especially if you kiss the ring, Of our newly enthroned king
no one saw it coming
I’m reading Hiding in Plain Sight: The Invention of Donald Trump and the Erosion of America by Sarah Kendzior written during Trumps first term. The book may have been premature because, holy shit, everything Kendzior wrote is exactly what is happening now.
Because those fucking crackers have no imagination other than ways to lie to themselves about their peens, et al.
you can’t. they can.
Hmm, I think there’s a name for that. Something about being fashionable I believe.