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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2024


    1. You don’t know the cost of those resources.

    2. They have an average playerbase of 7k players with peaks of 20k+ every month, which is healthy as hell, because, compared to the top games in the world, say GTA V or Fortnite, they surpass their playerbases in game modes like Fortnite’s Lego, Rocket Racing, Team Rumble, Save The World, and pretty much all of GTA V’s races, pvp modes and like 99.9% of their online missions which are always dead empty despite having a constant playerbase of 150k or whatever, because they’re boring and unrewarding as fuck.

    3. Those numbers, and remember NMS’ team was or is like less than 30 people. Rockstar and Epic Games have hundreds, if not thousands of devs and people working on their games.

    4. Spending on games like these is how they evolve and become better. If Minecraft stopped receiving updates a long time ago, it’d be as dead. And yeah, Mojang was bought by Microsoft, the team is super large compared to NMS’ now.

    5. It’s always the inexperienced kids who speak about game dev like they know shit, but they really don’t. This is why a lot of misinformation and bullshit gets spread with confidence, the most lousy people in gaming are dumb little kids who think they know better than adults working in the field, it’s ridiculous

  • This is the dumbest comment so far. Acting like a bunch of failed repetitive Assassins Creeds, FIFAs, Call of Duties, buggy Bethesda games, and hundreds lots of other less-known unfinished games, specially MMOs, didn’t exist before NMS. You have to be a kid to say that.

    The only reason NMS was rushed was because the idea was so new and so goddamn impressive, a ton of stupid dumb little kids like you pressured them to release it unfinished, you pressured them with features that were technologically impossible or too difficult to implement just like that, and so much more.

    Gamers are the biggest whinny annoying little babies I have ever seen in my life. I swear to God you deserve all those unfinished buggy boring shits, you deserve the slop that only cares about your money, not good games, because you’re too ignorant and stupid to appreciate them.

  • This is the expected psychological effect these headlines and polls the media penetrate on us provoke. The insecurity of not knowing who is winning can inspire a lot of people to not vote at all. “why vote if we are winning easily anyway?”, “I feel saturated, stressed up, maybe I should ignore politics for a while, not vote or vote for whoever at this point”. Things like that.

    Remember that the owners of medias are human beings with agendas too, republicans and democrats.

    Best thing we can do is force ourselves to vote no matter what, investigate both candidates deeply, and that’s it. Of course republicans don’t do the second part though, that’s a fact.

  • These headlines/news don’t reach republicans. We live in two complete different Internets.

    The majority of republicans are the bottom of the barrel when it comes to impressionable peasants. The kind of idiots who believe any fucking bullshit and like to behave like tribal morons who are against either all the black people, or gay people, or both. Onion Town level of human being. Like, I once saw this documentary about one of the most racist towns in America, they were all so fucking ugly, inside this bar, and they interviewed this woman in her 50s, with a lot of missing teeth, crying because she thought they were all going to be killed and replaced with black people someday if they didn’t fight. That kind of shit.

    At some point smartphones were gping to become cheaper and/or reach those people. I thought about this when I was 12 and got my first iPod. I am a mexican living in a pretty poor state, and I could see how the Internet would slowly turn into shit the more we introduced it to these kind of people. The people who fall for our corrupt politicians’ propaganda so easily, 0 critical thinking, poverty, stupid, all that. It really sucks, because everyone deserves to be here, but at the same time they don’t for being dangerously stupid, it’s a dumb game we have to play somehow. They also breed the most.

  • Stop calling republicans “nazis”. They are literally worse than nazis, and I mean this by the meaning of every single word said here.

    They had History classes in school that endlessly taught them how not to be, how being racist and a pos is evil and so on, yet they decide to still become that shit and double down on everything evil they say and do. Blaming democrats for Trump’s shooting, calling them pedophiles for everything, calling gay people and black people inherently evil and violent, insituating all the time that transexuals are evil too, that women deserve less rights, all of that shit, while using religion as a backup, is the most demonic bullshit I have ever seen. They are going to make nazis look like innocent people who were brainwashed once they are in the books too. As I said, they refused to learn to be good people, having the internet and endless amounts of history to learn from; and that’s is completely inexcusable, as much as they scream or cry about it.

    Just stop wasting your time expecting a redemption arc from these people. We need to understand that, if God is real and so is the Devil and all that dumb divine shit, these people are not on God’s side at all. God wants us to be happy and united, not waste our time sucking and riding his dick all day in churches, this is why he’s causing a lot of natural disasters and violence, it’s his way to tell us that we are fucking everything up. He wants democrats to wake up. We can play this dumb game aswell.

    My brother has Down Syndrome, all he does is make people laugh and apologizes first even when it’s not his fault. He cannot speak, yet, God sent him to me to be able to see the true colors of people more easily, by looking at how they react when they see my brother, the way they treat him or look at him with disgust; republicans’ have the worst ones I have seen. My brother and I are slowly dying, poverty is killing us, and all that has been caused by people like republicans. They are threatening our lives, killing us slowly. I am a mexican, the majority of republicans I have come across in my life have been nothing but racist jerks who treat us like we are worth less, less human, less important than them. They pay us 16x times less for the exact same job and quality, just for being mexican, just for being brown. They hide behind the law and pieces of paper that allow them to do that, and they mock us too whenever the conquest of mexico is brought up as a topic, they think they have the right to be absolute evil just because they won a bloody war in the past, and they get incredibly mad and angry if you even imply there should be another one or that they should be hit back with consequences in any way for all the damage and harm to others they’ve caused. That’s who they are, the majority of them, and I cannot really do anything about it anymore, we will die in silence and be forgotten forever. And if you’re republican and think bringing up the “libs want abortion” argument with me, or gaslighting my personal experiences in hopes of invalidating them, will just add to the pile of evil I am literally talking about right now. So, please, don’t even bother, you stupid demon.

  • Why don’t people create more propaganda that paints God as a transexual black woman sitting on the chair? Jesus as someone gay too? I feel like, if we destroy the image of God being a white bearded old man, all the religious people will develop second thoughts, specially the racist ones, which is the majority.

    There is a reason why there hasn’t been a black pope, or a female pope, which is Christianity being super racist and misogynistic. If their excuse is that “women are weaker creatures that cannot be the voice of God” or, as I was told in my super religious school when I was a kid and Pope John Paul II died: “if the next pope is black, it means the Antichrist is here”. For a fucking 12 year old to tell me that it meant their parents were racist as hell, and I live in Mexico, in a state where there are literally like 1 or 2 black people per city, I am not exageratting.

    Not only that, but if you watch the Oscar-award winner movie, Spotlight, you will see how did the Vatican and the Pope protect over a hundred of pedophiles in one american state alone out of the 50 if I don’t remember wrong. In poorer countries like Mexico or southeramerican ones, they are more rampant and worse, there’s a mexican movie depicting a priest having sex with a little girl and then taking her to take an abortion, in a very poor town outside the big cities. I am sure that kind of shit is so, so common here, just without the ability to make enough noise about it worldwide, it sickens me.

    Nobody, absolutely nobody, needs religion to be a good person, we should indocrinate this to our kids, not religion. We can teach the best religious’ values without the divine divisive bullshit. The Vatican is covered in gold, yet a youtuber like mr beast has done more good with his money than they have ever done in decades, it’s really embarrassing to see their obvious evilness. Religion is poison.